The following is a current listing of films produced and/or distributed by International Film Foundation or Julien Bryan. Click on Search Films to search the film archive by name, crew or geographic location. Use the filtering links to reorder the films.
To see a listing of films available in DVD format, please click here. For our rate sheet, please click here.
Country: Uruguay
Date: 1943
Running Time: 17 minutes 8 seconds
Director: NA
Cinematographer: Jules Bucher
Pictures the young people of Uruguay in school and play, highlighting the progressive steps being taken in education since the days of Battle y Ordonez.
Country: U.S.A.
Date: 1957
Running Time: 27 mins.
Director: Francis Thompson
Cinematographer: Stanley Meredith, Michael Nebbia, Peaslee Bond, Robert Downey, Wheaton Galentine
Informational film explaining the work of the New York Stock Exchange.
Country: Yugoslavia (Dalmatian coast, Macedonia)
Date: mid-1950s (?)
Running Time: 14 min.
Director: NA
Cinematographer: Kenneth Richter
The hardy, independent farmers of the Dalmatian coast struggle with a harsh land and an oppressive government.
Country: Yugoslavia
Date: 1950s, 1961
Running Time: 27 min.
Director: LeRoy Leatherman
Cinematographer: Julien Bryan, Sam Bryan, Kenneth Richter
The only important objective film on this small but vitally important country.