The following is a current listing of films produced and/or distributed by International Film Foundation or Julien Bryan. Click on Search Films to search the film archive by name, crew or geographic location. Use the filtering links to reorder the films.
To see a listing of films available in DVD format, please click here. For our rate sheet, please click here.
Country: Argentina
Date: 1940
Running Time: 23 min.
Director: NA
Cinematographer: Jules Bucher, March of Time
An overview of Argentina designed to foster North American understanding of a potential friend or bitter rival of the Western Hemisphere affairs.
Country: Italy (Florence)
Date: 1947
Running Time: 21 min.
Director: Victor Vicas
Cinematographer: Victor Vicas
The great Florentine tradition of creativity and craftsmanship still flourishes against the background of the works and monuments of the past.
Country: Chile
Date: 1943
Running Time: 17 min.
Director: NA
Cinematographer: Julien Bryan, William James
Life and industry in the Atacama Desert of Northern Chile showing traditional and modern methods of mining copper, nitrate, and iron; desert nomads; and the towns of Chiuchiu, Andacoya, Antofagasta, and Tocopilla.
Country: Badakhstan (Northeastern Afghanistan)
Running Time: 11 min.
Director: NA
Cinematographer: Hermann Schlenker
The Tajiks prepare their flat bread, using a somewhat different method from their Pushtu neighbors.
Country: Badakhstan (Northeastern Afghanistan)
Running Time: 10 min.
Director: NA
Cinematographer: Hermann Schlenker
This useful film reveals in crisp detail the simple, but physically demanding domestic life of the nomadic Pushtu — no cleansers, no appliances, and no concern for “rough, red, hands.” The unveiled and weathered face of the Pushtu wife — cloaked in her traditional garment as she prepares and kneads the precious flour into dough — reflects the relentlessness of her environment.