The following is a current listing of films produced and/or distributed by International Film Foundation or Julien Bryan. Click on Search Films to search the film archive by name, crew or geographic location. Use the filtering links to reorder the films.
To see a listing of films available in DVD format, please click here. For our rate sheet, please click here.
Country: Multiple: Japan, China
Date: 1930s
Running Time: 90 min.
Director: NA
Cinematographer: Julien Bryan
Theater Lecture
Country: Japan
Date: 1978
Running Time: 24 min.
Director: NA
Cinematographer: Michael E. Smith
This entirely new film replaces IFF's old, popular, award winning film "Japan." Live-action footage of present day Japan contrasts and compares traditional and modern life-styles as we see farms, factories, families at home, a disco, supermarkets, fishermen, as well as Kabuki theatre, a Samurai movie, baseball, a political rally and a university class.
Country: Japan (Kyoto)
Date: 1950?
Running Time: 24 min.
Director: William James
Cinematographer: Monura Konda
The daily life of a family of silk weavers in Kyoto showing the care with which high standards of craftsmanship are maintained and ancient traditions of daily conduct observed.
Country: Jordan
Director: NA
Cinematographer: NA
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